How to create a budget plan and stick to it

by Deni in Tips & Tricks

August 29, 2024

6 minutes to read

Are you struggling to keep your head above water? We all know that creating a budget can make you grind your teeth and overwhelm you. The truth is that having a solid budget plan is essential, whether you are saving for something big or trying to pay off debt.

In the following article, we will explore some effective tips and tricks that will empower you to take control of your finances.

Why create a budget?

A budget helps you with the following:

  • Track Your Spending – You must know where your money goes each month and where to cut.
  • Set Your Financial Goals – This goal-setting helps you save for much-needed vacations, emergencies, or retirement.
  • Reduces Stress – Your health is just as important as your bank balance. Gain peace of mind by knowing you're on top of your finances, and experience the relief that comes with having a clear plan for your money.

Now that we know why you must create and stick to a budget, we’ll break down the budgeting process into simple steps.

Step 1 - Calculate your income

Do you know how to assess your current financial situation effectively? Keep these tips in mind as you explore where your income seems to disappear to every month.

  • Gather all your sources of income, including your primary salary and any additional sources you might have, such as rental income, investment income, and even your side hustle.
  • Determine how often you receive this income. Some may come in regularly, and others less frequently.
  • Calculate the total income. Add up all the income from the listed sources, and the sum will clearly explain how much money is coming in every month. You can compare this with your expenses to assist in better financial decision-making.

Step 2 - Track your expenses

To move forward, it is important to track your expenses. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Select a specific period, such as a month or two, to track your spending. The longer the period you choose, the clearer your regular spending habits will be.
  • Collect all financial statements from your bank and credit cards, and you can keep your receipts. This will serve as the primary source for tracking purposes.
  • Next, you will create a category for each expense: transport, housing and clothes.
  • Pay attention to detail and double-check your statements to match your recorded expenses.
  • Once you have completed your tracking, review your data, looking for patterns, trends, and areas of overspending.

Step 3 - Assess your debt

Assessing your debt is a crucial step toward achieving financial stability and freedom. It empowers you to understand your debt obligations comprehensively and helps you create a strategic plan for paying them.

If you have debt dragging you down and keep your budget swamped, it’s important to cut it down as much as possible, as quickly as you can.

Step 4 - Consider different budgeting methods

We all have many reasons to budget, but did you know there are many ways to budget? Take a look at the following ways to budget and deal with any debt you have.

It is very important to call it what you want, as the term “Budget” can put you off. Most people resist it because it comes from a place of scarcity. Switching your language a little, like a “Spending Plan”, may help you stay motivated.

Many of us like to track our expenses by hand daily, whilst others might choose to do as little work as possible. Let’s look at some of the most popular budgeting methods.


This method is a guideline for covering the major spending categories. It suggests using 50% of your income for your needs, 30% for your wants, and 20% for savings, including any debt.

Cash-based envelope system

This method encourages you to create a plan for your money by assigning an envelope to each spending category. Envelope budgeting may help you become more aware of your spending habits.

Value proposition method

Value proposition budgeting is a mindset. You must make sure that everything is included in the budget. This type of method aims to avoid unnecessary expenses. You must consider the following questions while using this method:

  • Why is this amount included in the budget?
  • Does the item you want create value?
  • Does the value of the item outweigh the cost?

Now that we have examined the different budgeting methods, it's important to remember the concept of mindful spending. Mindful spending is about being intentional and conscious about your spending decisions. While planning for all expenses is almost impossible, being mindful of your spending can help you stick to your budget and avoid unnecessary financial stress.

Education is key

Financial literacy is key to effective budgeting.

You must invest time in learning about personal finance through books, blogs, and courses. Understanding terms such as interest rates and investment options is important.

Share your goals with others

It can help greatly to share your budgeting, saving, and goals to becoming debt-free with a trusted friend or family member. This is someone who can keep you accountable, get advice from, or share your winning moments with to keep you as motivated as possible.

Celebrating milestones

You have every right to celebrate each small milestone, whether paying off debt, reaching a savings goal, or even sticking to your budget. Celebrating these milestones not only boosts your motivation but also enforces a positive attitude towards your finances.

Budgeting and gambling

We all crave some excitement, and budgeting can be far from exciting. Gambling, however, offers excitement, and the temptation of winning big is big in itself. You must remember that not having proper management and budgeting can lead to financial instability.

Let’s look at some tips on how to manage gambling within your budget.

Budgeting and gambling tips
Budgeting and gambling tips

You can enjoy gambling responsibly and as a controlled form of entertainment. Learning how to manage your casino bankroll will ensure that you have fun on a budget.

Common budgeting mistakes

Just like anything in life, budgeting can also involve mistakes. We will examine some of the mistakes to avoid.

  1. Setting unrealistic goals – Always set goals you can achieve.
  2. Make your budget too strict – Allow some “space” for a cheat day.
  3. Doing it alone – Nothing is fun alone, so why budget alone?
  4. Keeping unaffordable fixed expenses – Change your insurance to an affordable option.

Effective budgeting is not a one-size-fits-all approach but a personalised strategy that aligns with your lifestyle and goals. Tracking your spending and setting goals will allow you to take control of your money and work towards financial freedom.

Remember that your budget must stay aligned with the changes in your financial situation, so stay flexible and keep the commitment!

Article by Deni

CasinoWow Contributor

Hi, I’m Deni and I am here to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about online casinos and games and, of course, have fun while doing it. I do so through in-depth research and a keen eye for detail resulting in comprehensive reviews and engaging articles. Let’s explore the iGaming world together!

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