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Tipping etiquette at land-based and online casinos

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Wondering about tipping etiquette at casinos? We take a look at tipping etiquette you need to know at online and offline casinos.

Casinos have their own rules and etiquette codes, both spoken and unspoken. You will find etiquette in most casinos when it comes to things like tipping.

While there are basic rules you should follow, casino tipping is complicated, both at offline and online casinos. We look closely at casino tipping etiquette and what you need to know.

Tipping at land-based casinos

There are many different instances where tipping is needed. If you’re new to land-based casinos and tipping, we’re here to get you through it.

The first tip you may want to give is to the valet runners upon arrival. These people make things run smoothly and save you time and walking. If you choose to valet park, ensure you have a couple of dollars to spare to tip the drivers for their services.

The same goes for staying at a hotel - you should always have funds to tip your bellman.

Regarding casinos, consider tipping a couple of times. Slots, in general, are straightforward, and if there are no hassles, tipping won’t be required. But if an attendant has to help you fix your machine, you may consider giving them a tip.

You should also consider tipping on any hand-pay jackpots. These are wins of $1,200 or more, where the attendant will give you your winnings by hand. In such cases, it is polite to tip. You may want to tip 3% to 10% in such cases.

If you’re seated at a table game, you may be confused about the right time to tip. One thing to know is that pit bosses aren’t allowed to accept tips. Dealers and table attendants may receive tips.

You can tip many people during table game sessions, including the dealer. This person is not just handling the game but is also providing entertainment services. Tipping in this scenario depends on the level of entertainment and engagement. A tip may be appreciated if you have a friendly attendant who makes you smile or laugh, assists properly and maintains professionalism.

If you land a win, then consider tipping, too. There are attendants who stick to the bare minimum and then those who go the extra mile. If someone puts in extra effort, always tip them.

Tipping at online casinos

The space is quite different with online casinos as most casino games run via online technology, and there are no attendants you can tip in the moment. With online slots, you spin the reels; with table games, you place your wagers and hit the spin button.

However, there are some cases where you can tip. Tipping is possible if you’re playing live casino games with real dealers in live casinos. Whether you should or shouldn’t tip in this environment comes at your own discretion.

You can decide whether or not you should tip, but remember that tipping while playing live online games and tipping in land-based gaming environments carry the same value if you’d tip while on the casino floor, you may want to try tipping online. Tipping is not compulsory or often expected in live casinos, but it is always appreciated.

Published: February 9, 2024

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Article by Polly

CasinoWow Contributor

Hey guys, my name is Polina but my friends and colleagues call me Polly. I am truly passionate about online casino gaming and exploring the different online gambling experiences. I'm really into diving deep into topics and researching all the details. My aim is to gather the best information and write interesting articles for all the readers at CasinoWow.

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