CasinoWow Archived Games
Our archive list incorporates slots that have been removed from casino play circulation by their creators, for a range of different reasons, but you can still read the reviews and see screenshots for pure entertainment value. You will find great titles in our archive, complete with full game reviews.
Games find themselves discontinued for a variety of reasons, including:
Outdated: Some casino games have been around too long and as a result, need to be curbed to make way for fresher ideas and innovations on casino platforms.
Replacements: Often, a supplier will remove one title, as they want to promote a new title to take its place. Often an older title may pose too much competition to a new slot that a provider is trying to promote, and as a result, will take the slot off the market, even if it's only for a little while.
License: Most often branded online slots come on the market with a predefined licensing period. If the casino game provider doesn't renew the license with the brand they will lose all rights over the branded slot game. This has been the case with many providers and many top games have been discontinued including the South Park slot by NetEnt and The Dark Knight and Lord of the Rings by Microgaming.
Loss of Popularity: If slots lose popularity, then there is no use keeping them in circulation, as it wastes the resources of the casino and wastes the time of the game provider.
Please note that slots are not usually replaced because they are bad, but rather because they have passed their prime.